Life is all about making difficult decisions, isn’t it so? While trying to choose between NuWave PIC Pro Highest Powered Induction Cooktop 1800W and Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker can be considered as a first world problem by some, it definitely is a sincere dilemma and nerve wrecking decision to be made in decision like this.
From experience, most customers make buying decision based on value. Is price the mainly significant issue in choosing what we tend to buy? Or do we look out for features as well as
invest our monies based mostly on what we genuinely need or desire rather than because it was cheap of costly?… I am one puzzled customer and have not decided my answer on
that one yet.
In the meanwhile, agreed, both NuWave PIC Pro Highest Powered Induction Cooktop 1800W and Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker are very good product. There is no doubt about that.
NuWave PIC Pro Highest Powered Induction Cooktop 1800W Features
Larger heating surface 9 1/2 inch; original PIC is 9 inch
94 temperature settings
5-degree temperature increments – even more temperature control; original PIC can adjust only in 10 degree
2 year warranty
Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker
The Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker is an unique product which I’ve made the decision to review. Keep reading for information about pricing online, pros and cons, and then a few other factors to know just before you purchase this product.
Knowing how other consumers feels concerning this product is very
important. it will give you the ability to know the value for the money and what sort of experiences they already had with this product.
You’ll find my pros and shortcomings consumer reports list first, then, if you still really want it, my detailed review.
Features and Specifications
1. ON/OFF key
2. Controls lock key and indicator
3, 6,7,11. Zone selection, Power (from 1 to 9) and residual heat (H) indicators
•on: the corresponding zone is selected and can be modified
•off: the corresponding zone is not selected, no modification can be made
4, 5,8,10. Power increase and Zone selection key
9. Power decrease key
12. Programmed cooking time indicator
13. Timer control key for cooking time programming (only on hobs fitted with a timer)
14. Booster key
Note: The timer control key (13), the cooking time indicator (12) and the zone indicator light, (3,6,7,11) are only fitted on hobs featuring one or more timers.
The booster key (14) is only fitted on hobs featuring a booster.
• Color: Black;
• No. of Burner: 4;
• Hob Panel: Black Crystal Glass Plate;
• Bottom case: Metal;
• Working Temperature:-15~55℃;
• Standby power:less than 0.5W (220V );
• Voltage:50/60Hz,220~240VAC, Without the Cable Plug.;
• Burner Power: 2.0+2.0+2.0+2.0 KW/HR (6823+6823+6823+6823 BTU/HR);
• Power Step (from 1 to 9): (1).400W–(2).600W–(3).800W–(4).1000W–(5).1200W–(6).1400W–(7).1600W–(8).1800W–(9).2000W
• Max Power 6.8KW/HR;
• Glass Panel Dimention: 590*520mm (23*20.5 inch), Fit in size: 21*18.5 inch;
• Packing Size: 700*650*190mm(27.5*25.5*7.5 inch);
• Gross weight: 14.75kg (32.5 lbs).
A-grade black crystal panel, Metal bottom case, Copper coil;
Touch-sensitive led panel, 1 Digital LED display, Automatic pan detection, Over-Temperature Protection,Detection of Small Articles,Heat Indication,Auto Shutdown Protection
Voltage:50/60Hz,220~240VAC, With 2M triple Copper Core Power Cablek, Without the Cable Plug.;
Glass Panel Dimention: 590*520mm (23*20.5 inch), Fit in size: 21*18.5 inch;. Please check with your house and then buy it from the local store.
Protection: Automatic pan detection;Over-Temperature Protection;Detection of Small Articles;Heat Indication;Auto Shutdown Protection
Customer Reviews
NuWave PIC Pro Highest Powered Induction Cooktop 1800W vs Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker Comparison Review
Which one to Pick?
Like i said before, both NuWave PIC Pro Highest Powered Induction Cooktop 1800W and Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker are Wonderful product. You cannot go completely wrong with the option of getting any of the two product. If you absolutely want value for your money, then you will actually enjoy any of these product.
I found out that both NuWave PIC Pro Highest Powered Induction Cooktop 1800W and Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker has over 97 customer reviews at the time of writing and customers had awarded the Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker 4.8 stars out of a possible 5 on average, while NuWave PIC Pro Highest Powered Induction Cooktop 1800W is awarded 4.8 stars rating too.
The consumer reviews on both products are positive overall.
In short, it feels like NuWave PIC Pro Highest Powered Induction Cooktop 1800W and Windnmax 23 in 220V Induction 4 Burners Stoves Glass Plate Kitchen Cooktops 6800W Cooker were designed with different audiences in mind. Both are just good.
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